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FAQ's and participant support guide

How to guide

First time registration process:

Step 1: When on the MyPQIP website, navigate to the patient registration tab.  


Step 2: Enter the details requested. The case ID number can be found on the email we sent to you and your NHS number will be on any letter sent to you by your hospital or on the NHS app. 


Step 3: Creating your password. We require your password to be secure, therefore we request that it is at least 8 characters, containing uppercase & lowercase and containing numbers.

Returning user login process:


Step 1: When on the MyPQIP website, click on the returning user login tab.


Step 2:  Enter your login details. If you have forgotten your password, follow the forgotten password link. Your username is the email address you received our email on.

PQIP participant FAQ’s

  1. How does a participant obtain login details to fill out the questionnaire online?

    If it’s your first time using the PQIP website, then you will have to register and complete the information on the ‘first time registration’ page and enter the details requested (Case ID number, Postcode, DOB, NHS number and email address). Once through, click on the questionnaire and complete. If you have used the website before and you are unsure of how-to login, then please try clicking the forgotten password link and follow the instructions on that page.

  2. I’m having difficulty registering to complete my questionnaires, what can I do?

    If you are having trouble registering to complete your 6 or 12 month questionnaire, there is a possibility that you may already be registered. Please try following the forgotten password links using the same email address to which PQIP has contacted you. If you continue to have difficulty, please get in touch with the PQIP team quoting your case ID and we can arrange a time for the hospital to call you to complete the questionnaire over the phone.

  3. My password has been accepted, but I am still getting an error when trying to create my account, what can I do?

    This is likely happening because you already have an account setup on the website. To solve this problem please try clicking on the ‘Returning user login’ tab on the red bar at the top of the page.

  4. I’ve been unable to reset my password to login, what can I do?

    If you are unable to reset your password, please double check that the email address you are entering is the same as the one you received the email from PQIP on. If the email address is correct, please check your email junk folder as occasionally, the reset password link is sent to the junk folder. If this does not work for you, then please contact the PQIP team.

  5. I am unable to submit my questionnaire, what can I do?

    Should you be unable to submit the answers you have provided, please double check you have answered all questions. If you have answered all questions and the progress bar has not reached 100%, please click ‘save and progress’ and then click ‘Complete and Submit’. If neither of these solutions work for you, please contact the PQIP team.

  6. I’ve lost my PQIP Case ID, how can I find it?

    If you are unable to find your PQIP Case ID number, you will find it on the email we sent you. The number is usually 5 digits long.

  7. I’ve completed my questionnaires, but am still receiving reminders, how can this be fixed?

    Please double check that you have answered all questions and you have clicked ‘Complete and Submit’ on the questionnaire. If you have done this, please contact the PQIP team quoting your case ID number.

  8. I know someone who signed up for PQIP but has since passed away. They are still receiving emails; how can these be stopped?

    Please contact the PQIP team quoting the case ID and explain what is happening and we can stop the automated mails being sent.

  9. I would like to speak to someone about the issue I’m having.

Please email the PQIP team on: or call the team on: 020 7092 1580